2024 | Issue Two
Genre cover by Ivan de Monbrison
“On the stairs outside / my parents room / Slinky & I have our / first dance.”
Evan Sandifer
Emma Johnson-Rivard
“The cat believes, first, / in hunger.”
“we were ordered again / & again to curve the gushing belly / of our g’s until they exclaimed / with desire”
Liam Strong
“she / pulls her homeless luggage / through dead leaves along Ashland Avenue, / looking like no tourist to sun"
Patrick T. Reardon
Kathryn D. Temple
“oh, I know what goes on with / wolves, men, gods. Children don’t have / a chance”
“There are episodes of Boy’s Park Archie cannot get out of his head.”
E.P Tuazon | Fiction
“He adjusted the bag on his back, looked toward the oncoming traffic and raised his arm, thumb pointing out toward the whitewashed sky.”
Jack Lindsay | Fiction
Jo Underwood | Nonfiction
“He tells me that we’ve gotta have a trial and a funeral, ‘cause a mouse drowned in the creek outside of his house where the floods made it overflow.”
Life is a Process of Preparing
to be Dead for a Long Time
Issue cover by Sean Gallagher
Why is this piece your Trace Fossil?
"I spent a good portion of my twenties and early thirties without adequate work and the middle of the night became my playground. I'd often find myself in spots that'd normally be full of people but was emptied due to the time. During those moments, with the city quiet and still, my mind unfocused enough that I didn't think on the failures that led me here. Instead, the peacefulness of abandonment allowed me to envision the road ahead, and while it was a challenge to know where I'd end up, it was navigable since I could see in the dark."