Trace Fossil

/trās ˈfäsəl/

  • A fossil of a footprint, trail, burrow, or other trace of an animal rather than the animal itself.

  • The art in wake of the artist.



Trace Fossils Review’s Inaugural Anthology highlights some of our favorite pieces from the magazine’s first year of publications.

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Trace Fossils Review’s Inaugural Anthology highlights some of our favorite pieces from the magazine’s first year of publications.

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Lila Hayes

Lucille Harper

Kayla Diaz-Janes

Maren Spangler

Ruby Varallo

Jacob Dimpsey

Rachel Wheelon

Niamh Carmichael

Brooklyn Mayberry

Aspen Ross

Zoe Jones


A Conversation With the Up & Coming

In July, head editor Linda Garziera sat down with two of our contributors from Summer Issue II, Jack Lindsay and Evan Sandifer, to discuss their debut books…

Read the interview

A Conversation
With the Up & Coming

In July, head editor Linda Garziera sat down with two of our contributors from Summer Issue II, Jack Lindsay and Evan Sandifer, to discuss their debut books…

Read the interview


Current Issue



Aspen Ross | Fiction

Off the Malecón

Kayla Diaz-Janes | Poetry

Water Fed

Zoe Jones | Fiction

The Train

Ruby Varallo | Poetry