Momma, Too Young
Abbilene Littell | Poetry, Fall 2023
I wonder if Momma,
one baby at 16, another at 18,
ever sat on the splintered wood steps
to the single-wide trailer
and listened to bird hymns.
Did she ever meet eyes
with a Cardinal
and see her brother reflected?
Did she ever hear
the Mourning Dove's cry
and answer back,
"Who? Who? Who?"
How many times did
she step out, wet grass below her,
dapples of pink and purple above,
and almost fly away
before going in to start breakfast?
Abbilene Littell writes about memories, nature, and anything else that strikes her. Born in Ashland, Alabama, she received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Auburn University before heading north. Abbi now lives in Champaign, Illinois, with her husband and two cats: Padme and Salem. Find her on Instagram @a.lit.tell
Momma, Too Young
Abbilene Littell | Poetry, Fall 2023
I wonder if Momma,
one baby at 16, another at 18,
ever sat on the splintered wood steps
to the single-wide trailer
and listened to bird hymns.
Did she ever meet eyes
with a Cardinal
and see her brother reflected?
Did she ever hear
the Mourning Dove's cry
and answer back,
"Who? Who? Who?"
How many times did
she step out, wet grass below her,
dapples of pink and purple above,
and almost fly away
before going in to start breakfast?
Abbilene Littell writes about memories, nature, and anything else that strikes her. Born in Ashland, Alabama, she received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Auburn University before heading north. Abbi now lives in Champaign, Illinois, with her husband and two cats: Padme and Salem. Find her on Instagram @a.lit.tell